Is It Easy To Use Cold-Pressed Oils Into Your Daily Diet: Recipes And Ideas For Healthier Eating Habits

“How do I use cold pressed oils?”

“What can I cook with it?”

“How to cook with cold pressed oils, should I do anything differently?”

“Is it easy to use cold pressed oils?”

These are some questions that we keep hearing from people who want to begin using cold pressed oils.

Cold pressed oils are different from refined oils only in the way it's extracted. When it reaches your kitchen, it’s just like your other oils.

Unless your cooking involves a lot of deep frying, you don’t have to worry.

Can you use cold pressed oils for frying?

Yes and no. It depends on the type of oil.

Cold-pressing is a gentler extraction method that uses pressure without high heat.

This preserves most of the natural elements from the seeds

These elements like flavor molecules, a tiny amount of free fatty acids tend to break down at higher temperatures, making the oil smoke sooner.

But there are some cold pressed oils that are suitable for frying.

Which cold pressed oils are best for frying?

One example is cold pressed mustard oil.

Mustard oil has a unique fatty acid profile. It's relatively high in monounsaturated fats (especially oleic acid) and lower in polyunsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated fats are more stable at high temperatures, making it suitable for high heat cooking.

It can withstand temperatures up to 250°C.

Deep frying happens at ~177°C.

So mustard oil is perfect for deep frying and slow roasting.

Interestingly, cold pressed sesame oil (made from non-toasted seeds) is also okay for quick high heat cooking as its smoke point is 177°C.

Other cold pressed oils like groundnut (smoke point160°C) and coconut (smoke point 170°C) are best suited for daily cooking which mostly involves sautéing and tempering.

Is it easy to use cold pressed oils for daily cooking?

Yes, absolutely!

Cold pressed oils are not bland and neutral like refined oils. It retains flavor. So that’s something that will take getting used to.

You might need a few days to get the hang of it. Once you do, you won’t notice a difference.

Cold pressed groundnut oil is very subtle. It doesn't overpower your meal. It enhances your meal without disturbing the balance.

On the other hand, oils like cold pressed sesame oil and mustard oil add a direct layer of flavor when drizzled or used as seasoning.

When used in curries, to temper and sauté, it enhances the overall flavor without overpowering.

Of course the trick is to use it in moderation (2tsp/person/meal).

Using cold pressed oils for your daily cooking will make your food flavourful and treat your taste buds better.

If you enjoy flavors, it’s easy to cook with them!

Here are some delicious simple recipes, perfect for beginners using cold-pressed oils.


Vegetable Poha: It’s light, it’s healthy and it’s quick. Saute some onions in cold pressed oil, add some veggies, your regular spices, and soaked flattened rice flakes.

Masala Omelette: Make your usual omelet recipe, but instead of butter or ghee, use a touch of groundnut cold-pressed oil to cook it.


Dal Tadka/Sambar: Tempering uses minimal oil so it’s a great way to start using cold pressed oils for your daily cooking. Made with mustard seeds spluttering in a little bit of cold pressed groundnut or sesame oil, it adds a nice layer of flavor to the curry.

Raita: Curd raita is a cooling counterpoint to spicy dishes like pulao or biriyani. Slightly heat chopped green chillies till it blisters in cold pressed coconut or groundnut oil to make it tastier.

Salads: Cold pressed oils are great for salads. Toss together your favorite vegetables, chickpeas, or lentils with a squeeze of lemon for dressing and a drizzle of sesame or groundnut cold-pressed oil. Mix well and enjoy.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little experimentation, you'll find it easy to use cold-pressed oils into your daily cooking!

General tips to start using cold pressed oils

Quantity: Start small, increase as needed. Cold-pressed oils often have more concentrated flavors compared to refined oils. Begin with a smaller amount and adjust based on your taste and recipe.

Heat: Match oil to cooking method. Consider the smoke point of the oil when choosing which one to use. Use cold pressed oils like groundnut and coconut for low heat cooking methods, and sesame and mustard oils for high heat cooking methods.

Freshness: Buy smaller quantities. Since cold-pressed oils have a shorter shelf life than refined oils, buying smaller quantities helps ensure freshness. Check the expiry date and use them within a recommended timeframe.

Moderation: A little goes a long way. While cold-pressed oils are healthier, they are still calorie-dense. Use them in moderation. At Gramiyaa, we recommend a couple of teaspoons per person per meal.

Variety: Don't be afraid to experiment. There's a world of cold-pressed oils beyond olive oil. Explore options like groundnut, sesame, coconut, or sunflower oil to discover new flavors and enjoy a variety of nutritional benefits.

The initial switch might take a slight adjustment, but it pays off. Cold-pressed groundnut oil, for example, subtly elevates your dishes without overpowering them. And if you enjoy bolder flavors, sesame or mustard oil packs a punch.


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