Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between cold-pressed and refined oil extraction?

Refined oils are chemically processed at high temperatures. This converts the healthy fat from the seeds/nuts into harmful trans-fats. Whereas cold pressed oils are mechanically pressed (without any chemicals involved) in traditional wood and stone mills that rotate at slow speed (and so have low temperatures). This retains the healthy fats along with flavour and aroma from the seeds.

Is cold-pressed oil healthier than regular oil?

Cold pressed oils are healthier than commercially available refined cooking oils. This is majorly because of two changes in the extraction process.

Refined oils are chemically processed at high temperatures. Whereas cold pressed oils are mechanically pressed (without any chemicals involved) in traditional wood and stone mills that rotate at slow speed (and so have low temperatures).

This low temperature extraction helps preserve flavour, aroma and nutrients from the seeds.

In refined oils, healthy fats get converted into trans-fats due to hydrogenation. In cold pressed oils, the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are retained.

So yes, cold pressed oils are healthier for daily cooking.

Do cold-pressed oils have a shorter shelf life?

Cold-pressed oils last between 6 months to 1 year, whereas refined oils, which undergo processes like heating and chemical extraction, can last about 2 years. To maximise the longevity of your cold-pressed oils, it's advisable to store them in opaque containers, in a dark place, away from heat and sunlight.

Is cold-pressed oil suitable for all types of cuisines and dishes?

Cold-pressed oils are suitable for many types of cuisines and dishes, but their use can be influenced by their smoke point and cooking temperature.

Some cooking oils like olive oil and cold pressed coconut oil have low smoke points which are ideal for low heat cooking methods. Whereas others like cold pressed sesame oil and cold pressed mustard oil have high smoke points and are suitable for high heat cooking.

Are Gramiyaa oils adulterated?

We guarantee that Gramiyaa oils are 100% free from adulteration – absolutely no other oils are mixed with our products. We are committed to provide you with unadulterated, cold-pressed oils that preserve natural aroma and flavour from fresh seeds.

What is the weight of seeds required to yield 1 litre of your cold-pressed oil?

In Gramiyaa's cold pressed oil production process, the quantities of raw materials required varies for each oil. 2.4 kg of groundnuts yields 1 litre cold pressed groundnut of oil, while approximately 1.6 kg of copras (dried coconut kernels) yields 1 litre of cold pressed coconut oil, and 2.6 kg of sesame seeds are needed to make 1 litre of cold pressed sesame oil.

Is it bull driven oil/bull driven cold pressed oil?

At Gramiyaa, we've seamlessly blended tradition with innovation by replicating the age-old bull driven oil extraction method. Our cold pressed oil extraction process combines the authenticity of bull driven mills with modern mechanical automation in wood and stone mills. This approach allows us to use the time-honoured techniques while enhancing efficiency and maintaining hygiene standards

Is coconut oil the same as MCT oil?

Cold pressed coconut oil contains 54% of saturated MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) fats. But it is not the same as MCT oil. more concentrated source of MCTs, often extracted from coconut or palm oil.

If you specifically want a concentrated source of MCTs, you might opt for MCT oil supplements rather than relying solely on cold-pressed coconut oil.

What is the production date and expiration date? Does it have preservatives to increase shelf life?

At Gramiyaa, we produce cold-pressed oils from fresh seeds and nuts on a monthly basis, and the manufacturing date is clearly printed on each package.

We do not incorporate any preservatives to extend the shelf life of our cold-pressed oils. Generally, all our cold-pressed oils maintain a shelf life of 1 year, with the exception of cold-pressed coconut oil, which lasts for 6 months.

Do you really get the taste of coconut oil while eating?

Gramiyaa cold pressed coconut oil preserves the authentic flavour and aroma of coconuts. Interestingly, while the oil itself retains the coconutiness, food cooked in this oil has little to no direct coconut flavour. Instead, cold pressed coconut oil enhances the overall taste of the meal, without overpowering its own flavours.

Can I use coconut oil daily for weight loss or not?

Based on recommendations from your healthcare professional, you can consume cold pressed coconut oil everyday. However, use cold pressed coconut oil in moderation and as a part of your balanced diet.

I want to change my regular cooking oil (refined oil), which oil will be a good replacement for cooking?

If you are switching from refined oils to cold pressed oils, we suggest you start with cold pressed groundnut oil. Cold pressed groundnut oil retains the flavour of groundnuts but is subtle and does not overpower your food. Cold pressed groundnut oil also has the right smoke point to suit everyday Indian cooking. Though it is cold pressed, ensure you use the oil in moderation.

What is cold pressed oil?

Cold-pressed oil is oil extracted from nuts or seeds using a mechanical process without high heat or chemicals. These oils tend to be better in terms of flavour and health benefits.

How are cold pressed oils extracted?

The nuts or seeds are crushed to release the oil, typically with a press or similar mechanism. The temperature is kept low, ideally at room temperature or slightly above, to preserve the oil's natural flavor and nutrients. No chemicals are involved in the extraction process. At Gramiyaa, the extracted oil is passed through a cotton sieve to remove any seed sediments/residue that escaped into the oil.

Is cold pressed oil really better?

Cold pressed oils are healthier than commercially available refined cooking oils. This is majorly because of two changes in the extraction process. Refined oils are chemically processed at high temperatures. Whereas cold pressed oils are mechanically pressed (without any chemicals involved) in traditional wood and stone mills that rotate at slow speed (and so have low temperatures).

This low temperature extraction helps preserve flavor, aroma and nutrients from the seeds.In refined oils, healthy fats get converted into trans-fats due to hydrogenation. In cold pressed oils, the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are retained.

p>So yes, cold pressed oils are healthier for daily cooking.
What is the difference between cold pressed and hot pressed oil?

Refined oils are chemically processed at high temperatures. This converts the healthy fat from the seeds/nuts into harmful trans-fats. Whereas cold pressed oils are mechanically pressed (without any chemicals involved) in traditional wood and stone mills that rotate at slow speed (and so have low temperatures). This retains the healthy fats along with flavor and aroma from the seeds.

Is Kachi Ghani cold pressed?

Yes, Kachi Ghani is the Hindi word for cold pressed. It is called Mara-chekku in Tamil.

Can we heat cold pressed oil?

Yes, you can heat cold-pressed oil, but it's important to consider its smoke point. The smoke point is the temperature at which the oil starts to break down and smoke. If you heat cold-pressed oil or even refined oil past its smoke point, it can alter the flavor of your food and potentially create harmful compounds. For example, cold pressed groundnut oil has a smoke point of 160°C, making it suitable for regular Indian cooking methods. For deep frying, it’s best to use cold pressed sesame oil or cold pressed mustard oil as it has higher smoke points.

Which cold pressed oil is best for frying?

For frying, it's best to choose an oil with a high smoke point  because frying typically involves high heat. Some cold-pressed oils, like sesame oil (177°C) and mustard oil (250°C) have a higher smoke point than others.They are popular choices for frying because of their very high smoke points.

Can cold pressed oil be used for cooking?

Yes, cold-pressed oil can be used for cooking. Cold-pressed oils are typically more flavorful than refined oils so you often need less oil than usual to cook. This is helpful to add flavor to your meals while keeping your calories in check and feeling light and bloat-free.